Wedding Favors


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When it comes to wedding favors; a lot of newlywed couples tell me they wasted money on them because most guests just leave them at the table. Maybe skip wedding favors if you are on a tight budget or looking to cut some costs. 

Another idea is investing in favors your guests will actually want to take home and use. Perhaps have your wedding planner remind your DJ at the reception to encourage guests to take home their wedding favors.

 Think about what you would want when it comes to party favors. Super unique and handmade favors from small business owners can be found; here

Most adults could not do much with bubbles but just give them to their children at home why waste money on things such as that? It is fine for the reception if you have extra money but I bet guests would rather enjoy something like cookies (which can double as a treat and favor) 
 over items that end up left at the end of the night for you and your new spouse to clean up when the reception is over.

 If you hare celebrating your reception outdoors; consider something like fleece throw blankets in case guests get cold. They can also take them home with them at the end of the night and probably use them in the future at their own home. 

Weddingstar Favors

Until next time! xoxo De

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