Where to meet wifey friends?

 New bride? In that case you may want to connect with other wives who can relate to being a newlywed. For one; you may not want to hang out in groups that have men anymore. You may also could use a woman friend that enjoys activities a lot of men may not want to attend such as nail salon visits, shopping, brunch, craft fairs, baby showers, or play dates. 

I love that this app is for women; although it is mainly moms using the app. Who knows; you may already have or maybe want to have children, adopt, or look into surrogacy in the future. This app is worth trying; I love the groups for recipes, hobbies, events, advice, crafts, fitness, and more. You do not have to attend events but I enjoy checking out the ones in my area. Many are a lot of fun; never have I been to one I did not enjoy a lot. 

There are even educational podcast style sessions on the app lead by marriage therapists, relationship coaches, and more. You may find them interesting! 

Learn more or get started!