Quick List of Must-Have Wedding Vendors


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Should you get a videographer and photographer?

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    Are you unsure of whether you should go ahead and book both a videographer and photographer for your upcoming wedding? Have you been completely confused on the pros and cons to having both? Perhaps you are wondering if you will regret choosing to not have both services at your wedding. I wanted to share my thoughts and opinion on just this topic! 

Both services I feel are important since they are basically memories captured for you. On one of the biggest days of your life. I think since you are already probably super excited for your big day; why not get to enjoy it longer with photos and videos. I am so thankful I had a photographer that made a video for me when I had a baby. I was so impressed and it is so sentimental to me. She captured moments I would not have thought to photograph or take a video of. 

On your wedding day; more than likely you will be too busy with guests or enjoying your celebration to take photos and videos. Many brides also feel guests having their cellphones out taking their own images ruins their photographers' professional photographs. Have you seen those social media posts of a wedding photographer capturing an amazing photo but one guest is in the photo holding their phone? 

Some wedding guests actually have little signs at their wedding ceremonies basically explaining to guests that they’d appreciate if phones were kept away during the wedding nuptials and as the wedding party is making their way down the aisle. Many celebrities also would not want someone leaking their private photos online before they get the chance to share them first…Regular people too! It is very common these days to have an “unplugged wedding” where you politely ask your wedding guests to put away their phones; especially when you have a professional photographer you are spending a lot of money on. 

Personally I would save money on my wedding gown by purchasing one on consignment or used if I wanted to cut costs in order to have both video and photography services at my wedding. It is of course what you want to do at your own wedding. If I still could not fit both services into my wedding budget then I would narrow down my guest list. Sometimes it is okay to have a fancier wedding and keep the list smaller. It is not selfish to only invite those very close to you then splurge more on details and memories regarding the wedding. 

In no way am I saying cut your close friends and family members out of your wedding in order to get more vendors for your wedding. This idea is more so if you are already inviting people you just do not know well and are not doing what you really want by having both services and hurting potential guests feelings. 

If you have already sent invites out; I would not suggest this since it could hurt their feelings. There are other ways to cut costs on weddings such as on decor or opting for a weekday wedding during slower months at your venue perhaps. Venues vary but many times if you choose a wedding at a relatives home or a park you can save possibly thousands of dollars. 

If you choose to just get one service; I would opt for the photographer. However I feel if you are already spending so much time planning a wedding…and already spending so much; get the videographer too. That way you have zero regrets on not selecting both. I like to be better safe than sorry
 Besides; I would love more content to show my future grandchildren and so on. I feel both services are super important. 

Do not feel bad if you cannot afford both! Have a friend or wedding guest help out with videos and photos. One may have a bit of experience. If you have a group online or website for your wedding guests; you may ask if any have photography or videography experience. You never know which guest or relative has taken a photography class back in high school or so. Some amateurs are just as great as those who are pros when it comes to art. Many also do it more as a hobby versus an actual career and would love to help. I highly suggest tipping them at least and paying for things such as the memory cards for them. 

Whether or not you get both services I wanted to help you choose the right professional for your wedding. Go ahead and get as many quotes for each service as you can. You can spend a weekend doing both. Maybe one day find photographers and the next day find videographers in your area. Get your quotes, read reviews, and check out their websites and portfolios. 

It is important to search for professionals whose style you seem to like. Narrow down your search by thinking about how long each one has been in business, whether or not they have an assistant, if they seemed to be pleasant to possibly work with and so on. Just because a company is pricier does not necessarily mean they will provide you will excellent results. Sometimes I have hired inexpensive newbie vendors that do a remarkable job! You just have to do the best research you can but if you have a wedding planner; they may handle this vendor search for you. 

Be sure to get your wedding day photographs printed and in albums so you do not waste money on them being stuck away in storage or a box somewhere. I know newlyweds who do this versus enjoying the photographs being hung in their homes to look at often. Both services I feel are great investments for special events such as weddings. I would not get these sort of services for a children’s birthday party but certainly for my walk down the aisle. 

Your wedding is all about you and the person you are marrying. Do what is best for you two. Never let others opinion affect what you truly want to do. If you’re unsure; I just recommend hiring both services just to be safe. I cannot wait for you to look back on these memories you gather and share them with loved ones. Imagine watching the videos on your anniversaries or showing your families years later. Doesn’t that sound incredible?