Should you feed your wedding vendors?


    Should you be also providing meals for your vendors hired for your wedding? There are quite a few different opinions on this topic lately so I wanted to share my thoughts. This is just my opinion; I think they should be fed. 

     I do photography for fun and would just bring my own sack lunch and put in my contract that I will have to take a quick ten minute break; which I have a back-up assistant for weddings to help during those slower times. I would think most vendors would bring items such as a granola bar, bottled waters, jerky sticks or some sort of snack. If not; I would suggest those do for in between meals. 

     You could also be helpful by having someone in charge of keeping the bridal party suites stocked with some light snacks and drinks for while vendors are on a break or getting ready. Perhaps they can come in for a quick sandwich or so. You will want to check with your vendor for all of that information on policies for outside food and drinks. 

     A photographer probably will not want to leave the venue for a lunch break as they could miss out on special moments. Some do not have assistants and back up photographers; especially if they are newer. 

    Therefore; I would just want everyone to feel relaxed and included by allowing my vendors to opportunity to eat a meal. I am very old-fashioned and love party-planning as well; so there is always plenty of food when I do an event. 

    If you want to cut costs on meals; you could always try a buffet option. I have been to some buffets where they only have licensed food handlers dishing up the plates for guests. That way everyone is not hovering over the food; digging in. 

   Of course timing can be crucial as well. If you have an evening wedding; of course people will want dinner eventually. Many brides opt to have earlier weddings if they are cutting costs on food; or they do pot-luck style ceremonies in a family members larger home or public gardens. Pending on your style; those weddings can be just as beautiful; especially if decorated just right! 


Celebrity Weddings I am looking forward to...

    Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Kourtney Kardashian are all engaged. Congratulations to them all; I am happy for them. I think I am the most excited about Travis Barker proposing to Kourtney since I am a huge Travis fan. 

    I seen social media photos of Paris Hilton's bridal shower over the weekend. I bet it was spectacular; I even seen a champagne vending machine in the photos online. How fun! I heard those are around $20K but not so sure if it is true. Probably so!

   With all Britney Spears has been through...she deserves some more happiness in her life. I hope the guy she is with treats her amazing; but I am sure she would not have it any other way. I bet they have been through so much together. I hope this helps her heal from her nasty legal troubles she has had to deal with. I could not imagine being so famous and having everyone all in your business; especially humiliating things! 

   These lucky couples will all have a marvelous wedding I bet. I bet Paris's will be the most luxurious and Kourtney will have a simple wedding. I imagine Britney would have a simple and southern style wedding. I cannot wait to see how they celebrate their special upcoming wedding days. I will be watching to see how they all plan and their styles they go for. I love a good celebrity wedding!